Monday 4 July 2011

My First Post!

Wallawei, my first post! clap! clap! clap! Hehe...

Never in mind I would create a blog. Simply because I don't really like writing. I've got no story to tell neither things to say. I'm pretty much a person who kept thing for himself. Even if there's any wow wow boom things happened I'm just... nah ok..fine...whatever. My life kinda boring. Things seems to recycle over and over again (I think my blog will be pretty much lack of post  and covered with spider web soon) I Often reads blogs and known few bloggers. They in their own world telling about their life, interest, hobbies, politics n some just happy to say that they had a good lunch! It's good to read them. Makes me

Im Really interested in photography. I love shooting all kind of stuff. I appreciate art in photos. So you probably you often see my photo collections. I'm not a pro nor good at it but I do appreciate motionless scenes and my passion and hope to share it with you guys... :)

I will write my blog in Bahasa Malaysia and English Language. Maybe make them rojak. Feel free to follow and until the next post, have a pleasant day :)


1 comment:

  1. teringat zaman sekolah dulu...suka tulis dalam diari kan3...glam gitew. sekarang dh makin x ilang tradisi nya. harus diteruskan!chaiyok3
